It’s holiday time and that means lots of fun and food. The “unavoidable” weight gain shouldn’t keep you from enjoying your favorite food this time of the year. We give to you these eight proven tips plus our Herbalife Holiday Meal Plan for healthy holiday eating so you can avoid gaining too much weight.
Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating and Keeping Your Weight under Control
Tip # 1: Food Tracking
You know very well how this helps you lose weight and eat better. Be more diligent in doing it this season, from the free sample of ham at the supermarket to that cookie batter you sampled while baking.
Tip # 2: Plan your food for holiday party
Having a food plan will help you enjoy your favorites while staying on track. Decide which foods you will have. You want to control portions especially when munching on foods to avoid on holiday (desserts, anyone?).

Tip # 3: Track Calories
Always stay mindful of your calorie intake. Use a nutritional tracker so you know if you’re staying within your calorie range or you’re way over the top.
Tip # 4: Keep Moving
Sure, it’s quite tempting to take a break from working out but you’ve got to exercise to burn calories. Go for a walk or a run. Do crunches in your bedroom. Add 10 minutes of high-intensity moves to your usual workout routine such as jumping rope, jumping jacks or high-knee running in place. Exercise is one tried and tested way that will keep you fit and it won’t fail you during the holiday season!
Tip # 5: Drink less.
Holiday is never complete without drinks. Alcohol is loaded with calories which is the number one source of holiday weight gain. Plus, you’ll be nursing a hangover the next morning instead of enjoying this wonderful time. Take a rain check from that glass of wine if you can. If you must drink, do so slowly and limit the number of servings.
Tip # 6: Follow the Herbalife Holiday Meal Plan.
Here’s how you can enjoy the feast sans putting on a lot of pounds:
For people who can’t keep up with their Formula 1 Shakes but still want to lose weight
- Before Your Big Meal: Take 1/2 teaspoon of Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extracts in 250 mL or less/more water (depending on the concentration you like).
- After Your Big Meal: Take 5 caps of Herbal Aloe Concentrate in 250 mL or less/more water to flush out the bad stuff from your system.
Note:The progress will be slower as compared to following the meal plan completely.
Another option: The Complete Herbalife Holiday Meal Plan
- 1 Hour Before Your Big Meal: Take 1 Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix (Make sure you take the shake at least 1 hour before the meal, otherwise it will cause you to gain weight)
- Right Before Your Big Meal: Take 1/2 teaspoon of Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extracts in 250 mL or less/more water (depending on the concentration you like).
- After Your Big Meal: Take 5 caps of Herbal Aloe Concentrate in 250 mL or less/more water to flush out the bad stuff from your system.
Note: By following this meal plan, you should feel a little full so you won’t eat that much.
Tip # 7: Drink your H2O.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will help you feel full longer so you end up eating fewer calories. Keep a glass of water near you to avoid overeating.
Eating these water-rich foods also helps.
Tip # 8: Savor every bite.
This time isn’t your only chance to eat so hold your horses and go easy with the food. Sit down, relax and relish every bite, taste, texture and aroma of the meal. You’ll eat less, feel more satisfied and give your brain time to recognize that your tummy is happily full.
This is the season for temptations, but you can still lose a few pounds or at least not put on new ones. With a good healthy diet, observing healthy holiday eating while enjoying the merriment won’t be a problem!