Welcome the New Year with a renewed commitment to living healthy. These Top 10 health confidence boosting resolutions for the new year will keep you active, in shape and beautiful, inside and out.
New Year’s resolutions are a fab idea. But when you keep on breaking them every year, this tradition becomes a bit of a joke. Vow to make a difference this coming new year and make them stick!
1.) Aim for Good Diet to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle
The most common resolution yet the most difficult to commit to. Losing weight doesn’t just happen overnight so if you expect fast results, then your doomed. To downsize your figure, you must:
- Observe portion control – use smaller plates and bowls to lose weight as they help limit overeating
- Use a food journal – so you can keep track of what you’re eating and how much you’re eating
- Have a support system – there will be bumps during your journey and you’ll probably slack off after a few weeks or so, thus it’s essential that you have someone to help you get through the rough times
Check out this Step-by-Step Weight Loss Meal Plan to lose weight fast and safe

2.) Get Fit
Be active. This is one of the healthy habits for the New Year you’ll need to observe. Do more activities each day (aim for at least 30 minutes daily). Get fit. Run. Strength train. Learn to dance. Exercise at home. Walk to the grocery store instead of driving or taking a cab.
3.) Stay In Touch
Reconnect with your old friends and family. It’s good for your health. In fact, research shows that those with strong social ties live longer and are happier than those who don’t. Connecting has never been this easy thanks to technology. Make the most out of Facebook, Skype, texts, phone calls and set dates to catch-up and have dinner.
4.) Quit Smoking
For smokers, this may be the hardest resolution to stick with, but you’ll find that quitting smoking is very rewarding. Just think of all the benefits you’ll get – more money saved, no foul odor (eek!), healthier lungs, etc. Try various methods to find out what works. You may fail many times but don’t give up trying. You’ll succeed in time!
5.) Save Up
Change your lifestyle. Carpool, walk or ride a bike to work. Don’t renew you gym membership and work out at home instead. Learn how to cook so you don’t eat out as much (it’s great for your health too). Make a grocery list before going to the supermarket to avoid buying unnecessary stuff.
Use the money you saved to travel. Traveling is good for your mind, body and soul.
6.) Cut Your Stress
A little pressure is good but too much of it can lead to depression, anxiety attacks, insomnia, obesity and heart disease. Ignore the petty stuff and think on the bright side. Make it a point to unwind at home every day – turn off your gadgets for an hour, sip a cup of chamomile tea, listen to your favorite songs, take a warm bath.
7.) Limit Your Alcohol Intake
Alcohol never does anyone good. All it has are “empty calories” that lead to weight gain and other health problems. Drink occasionally. Limit your servings and take your drink slowly.
8.) Volunteer
“Focus on others rather than yourself and you’ll find true happiness.” Do charity work. Volunteer in a soup kitchen. Teach orphans on weekends. Making others happy will make you happy and this positive emotion is great for your well-being.
9.) Get More Zzzz’s
Lack of sleep can affect not just your health but your mood and appearance as well. Get 6-8 hours of shuteye every night. Take power naps.
10.) Be Positive
Easier said than done but having good thoughts will help you live a good life. See the good in others, most especially within you. If things aren’t going your way, know that the rain will soon cease. Have faith. Don’t give up. Focus on the lesson, not the misery of the situation.
Pick one of these healthy New Year’s resolutions and do your best to stick to it.
Here’s to staying healthy!