Ate too much? Unsure what ab exercises to do at the gym? Drop and crunch! Crunches may be known as the golden ticket to toning stomachs but it’s not always effective and it can do permanent harm on your back. Here are 5 fun, no crunches abs workout that burn fat. They’re as easy as pie to follow, don’t worry!
What are the Best Ab Exercises? (No Crunches Needed!)
Goblet Squat
Fat burning exercises ideal for everyone – from a fitness buff, strength trainee novice to an individual who wants to live a healthier and more active life.
- Grip a dumbbell between your palms at chest level; close to your body (if it’s a kettle ball, hold it by the horns).
- Stand with your feet faintly wider than hip-width part, toes pointed slightly out. (Broaden the stance more if you’re taller.).
- Sit back and down between the knees with your chest up the whole time.
- Go down as low as you can while keeping your feet even on the floor.
- In the bottom position, brush your elbows down the inside of your legs and push your knees out.
- Stand back up and stand tall at the top.
- Do 12-15 reps.
Side Plank
- With your knees straight, lie on your left side. Rest your upper body up on your left elbow and forearm. Constrict your abs intensely as if you were beaten in the gut to support your core.
- Lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds (that's one set). Turn around so that you're lying on your right side and repeat. Don’t forget to breathe deeply throughout the routine.
You can also do advance routines such as spinning with your non-support arm or lifting a dumbbell with your non-support arm.
Note: If you have trouble side planking for 30 seconds, hold for 5-10 seconds, rest for 5 seconds and repeat to reach 30 seconds.
Kettlebell Renegade Rows
- Get into a push up stance holding two kettlebell handles in your hands. Row one bell to your side while pressing down the other handle to steady yourself.
- Return the rowed bell to the floor and repeat on the other side.
Do 6-8 reps. Do 12-15 reps on each side as you gain strength.
Note: Ensure your body is in a straight line. Don’t raise your hips high in an “A” position and prevent drooping hips.
- Hold a cable, dumbbell, elastic band or medicine ball and rotate with extended arms from above your shoulder, down and across your body to the outside of your hips (imagine you’re holding an axe and chopping wood).
Do reverse wood chop. Squat, holding a cable, dumbbell, elastic band or medicine ball beside your right hip. Keep your arms even and lift the ball up and over your body until you're standing and the ball is above your left shoulder. Lower back to start.
Russian Twists
- Sit on the floor. Bend your knees and lean back about 45 degrees while holding a medicine ball or weighted plate.
- Keep your arms straight out in front of you.
- Turn your upper body to one side (make sure it’s your chest that’s turning, not your arms), hold for a second, return to starting position and turn to the other side.
- Do 15-20 reps.
Our "Belly Buster" Program - Helping You Lose Belly Fat Even Faster
While these ab exercises can help you have a trim and toned stomach, there is one program that will make your workout efforts even more effective - our 10-day "Belly Buster" Program. This is a powerful program that will decrease toxin build-up and cleanse your intestinal tract, giving you a smaller belly button area.
What exercises burn belly fat without crunching? Getting a flat and toned tummy may take time and some work but these ab exercises will surely give you results you have never thought possible!