BUT, first you have to HIDE THAT SCALE. Shove it in the back of your closet. Bury it if you must. The scale can be deceiving. You may put on six pounds of muscle and drop six pounds of fat and still weigh the same or worse, see the numbers increase.
How to Burn Fat the Fastest Way:
1. Enjoy Breakfast
Why is breakfast most important meal of the day? Because it builds energy which plays a crucial part in weight loss. When we sleep, our metabolism stagnates and the course of digesting food sets it in action again which helps burn body fat so don’t skip it.

2. Get Enough Sleep
Why it is important to get enough sleep? According to studies, those who lack sleep have more difficulty processing carbs. Insulin and stress levels are very high and when you’re exhausted, you become inactive which piles up the fat. Lock in 6 to 8 hours of shuteye every night

3. Eat a Lot
No, we don’t mean you go to an eat-all-you-can resto but eating 6 meals a day – 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 3 mini meals (snacks). Eating frequently boosts your metabolism and prevents your body from going into “starvation mode” which we all know will make you put on more pounds.
If you have a busy lifestyle, Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix is a meal replacement shake that’s healthy, easy to prepare and is very tasty all while providing you a nutritious meal and the vital nutrients you need for better health and burning body fat.

4. Consume More Protein
Protein helps build and sustain lean muscle so ensure you get enough of it. It increases your metabolism helping you amp up the calories you burn. At least 20-35% of your diet should have protein.

5. Mix Up Workout Routines
You need to exercise to burn fat. But you must keep your routines varied in order to build muscle, lose fat and burn more calories. This way, your body doesn’t get used to a specific routine and goes on autopilot. Do a combination of strength training, light weights and HIIT (high-intensity intervals) (e.g. 60 seconds sprint, 120 seconds walk, jump rope) with short rest periods. Do these 3 times a week.

Include yoga as well as this helps manage stress better to keep cortisol from fueling your appetite and slowing down your metabolism. Sign up for aerobics and dance classes too.
6. Reduce Carbs
Skipping the starch is one secret on how to lose weight fast. Limit your intake of refined carbs and munch on whole grains, fruits and vegetables instead.

7. Drink Green Tea Everyday and Loads of Water
Green tea enhances metabolism. It is said that catechins (an antioxidant) found in green tea supplies the increase. Drink Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extracts which is a delicious, low-calorie instant tea mix that increases energy and keeps you rejuvenated while you watch your weight. This Herbal Beverage will boost your metabolism and help you to burn more fat. Water is also a very good metabolism booster. Increase your water intake to at least 1.5 liters per day.

8. Munch on Natural Fat Burning Food
Eat the following foods which helps you burn calories as you chew:

9. Think Before You Eat
Avoid feeding your emotions. It’s very easy to mistake emotional hunger for physical hunger. Ask yourself, “Am I really hungry? Or I am just upset and have nothing to do?” If you’re really famished, eat something healthy such as a peanut butter, banana and dairy products.

10. Include Weight Loss Products
Don’t settle for any product. Choose a brand that is popular and trusted for helping with people’s health and weight. Herbalife is one super fine brand that can help you burn fat faster. Their Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan is easy to follow. Best of all, it really works!
These ten ways to burn fat are so efficient; you’ll be burning fat and getting the lean body you want in no time! Try them out now and see for yourself.