Now that you’ve lost weight, you can’t wait to show off your new and improved figure. But wait! Is that loose skin you see in the mirror?
Loose skin is a common side effect we face when we go through abrupt weight loss. This can be a challenge but these 5 easy-to-follow steps can help tighten skin after weight loss.
When we lose weight, the elastic parts of the skin can sag and appear loose, thus the appearance of loose skin, dimpled skin or cellulite. But, the skin is a live organ which can be altered and restructured the same way it did when we gain weight.
How to Get Rid of Loose Skin after Losing Weight
Step 1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Water improves the skin’s elasticity. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go so you’ll be reminded to drink up throughout the day.
Consume foods with high water content. This keeps you hydrated and helps you stay full longer.
Step 2: Have a healthy diet.
It’s very important that you eat well. Foods loaded with collagen and elastin can tighten and tone loose skin after losing weight. The following protein-rich foods both contain these 2 ingredients:
Toxins go out of the body through the skin, harming it on the way out. Add raw foods to your daily diet as well. These are excellent sources of antioxidants which hang-on to toxins.
Step 3: Perform body toning exercise routines.
We lose muscle mass when we lose weight. You have to build muscle to give the extra skin something to hold on to as it restores. Do a combination of cardio, strength and flexibility exercises for about 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week as these routines are one of the best ways to reduce cellulite. Do aerobics as well to burn fats.
Step 4: Take care of your skin.
Nurture and care for your skin. It’s very important that you exfoliate and moisturize to tighten skin after weight loss as skin is still constantly rejuvenating.
We recommend you to add this Herbalife 2-step body care programme to your body care routine:
A scrub with jojoba beads (improves the body’s exfoliation process) that cleanses and exfoliates the skin, allowing a fresher, smoother, softer and healthier-looking skin to appear while minimizing loose skin.
*Apply in a gentle circular motion to problem areas, concentrating on the hips and thighs until skin feels fresh and soft. Rinse off.
An anti cellulite cream that smells so fresh and has Gingko biloba extract and fruit acids to help boost the skin's firmness, texture and tone to ease the appearance of loose skin after weight loss.
*Apply this creme on problem areas in the morning and evening to help enhance the skin's suppleness and reduce orange-peeled looking skin.
Note: For best results, use Body Buffing Scrub and Body Contouring Creme together.
Step 5: Be patient.
Your skin may not return to normal right away so wait it out. Keep in mind that it can take quite some time for your skin to adjust to your new weight so don't stress yourself and your body during this time.
There's no need to cry your eyes out and result to drastic measures to tighten skin after weight loss. Give these methods a try. We promise you, they're very effective!
We wish you the best of luck!
Rooting for you,
~ The HSO Team ~
Simply Awesome.
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